I've made an effort to add to my blog several times over the past eight months but could never get past the intimidation of the blank screen staring back at me. Where do I start? What should I say? Will anyone care? I finally decided that I care because a blog is a great place to sort out all of your thoughts and ideas. The weird part about blogging for me is the thought that other people, people I don't even know, might actually read it. Yikes.
In my initial post, I said that I'd be back to tell you a bit about myself. Well, I lied. Instead, I decided to add the boring stuff to my profile over there on the right. That way you can read it if you're interested or skip it if you're not. I still plan on talking about my life but I'm just skipping over the singles' ad-type info (ie: Married, white, SAHM who lives for laundry, packing lunches, washing windows, swiffering up dog hair ten times a day....) Ok, I lied. You can find all of that info on a nifty little list over there on the right.