Last week I had the privilege of surprising my friend Andrea at her 40th celebration. I've known Ann since 6th grade but have only seen her a handful of times in the past few years, due to "life" getting in the way. Considering that we grew up directly around the block from each other (we used to cut thru my neighbor's woods to get to each others' houses), it's really sad that we hardly see each other anymore. Luckily Ann is one of those friends who makes it easy to pick up right where we left off. She's also one of those friends with whom I share a million memories with so we never run out of things to talk about. There's also no shortage of inside jokes when we get together. Number one being the boyfriend that we shared, who later became Ann's husband and is now her ex-husband. He just sent me a friend request on Facebook. I couldn't hit that "ignore" button fast enough...after giggling at his balding head of course.
Here's a picture of Ann and me on her birthday...
Not bad for two old ladies, eh?